Gay and Lesbian People in History


Sorry ladies & gents, the HERO FORM is being upgraded,
and does not work right now.
Check back on April 15th & we'll see
if I've got it together by then.

hit "back" button or return to GayHeroes home page


The background kinda looks like a soda cracker, don't it?

Submit this HERO FORM & let everyone know what you're doing to make this magnificent world even better.

And your name is...(last name optional).

And you would be how old? (optional)

And you live where? (City and/or state; we don't want your address.)

Your orientation? (you don't have to be gay to submit a HERO FORM or be on the LEGENDS LIST)

And what might you be doing (or planning) to make this fab world even fabber?

And what's it like for you to be gay or lesbian? (our straight guests are also invited to share an insight)

Anything else you're just dying to share?

If you want to get e-mail from people who read about you on the LEGENDS LIST,
enter your e-mail address (carefully) here:


All righty, then. Submit this form!
We'll put your story on the GayHeroes LEGENDS LIST!

click this to submit your Hero Form.